Dr Nadia Zaffaroni


Dr Nadia Zaffaroni

Home institution

Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori | Fondazione IRCCS

Contact details

Email: nadia.zaffaroni@istitutotumori.mi.it

Institutional biography webpage: https://www.istitutotumori.mi.it/en/web/guest/s.c.-farmacologia-molecolare

Sarcoma Accelerator responsibilities

Dr Zaffaroni is the head of the Molecular Pharmacology Unit at Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori | Fondazione IRCCS.  Her research interests include identification and validation of novel therapeutic targets, development of innovative therapeutic approaches, generation and molecular characterization of patient-derived experimental models, and miRNA-based therapeutics.  Her team are developing models for the assessment of drug responses and preclinical development of optimal treatments as well as for the validation of novel therapeutic targets for the Sarcoma Accelerator.